11 October, 2006

Fall Break

So, we have fall break this weekend, which basically means that I don't have to come back to school until TUESDAY evening! YEAH!

Lately, I've been having a hard time desiring to come back to school. Like, the weekends that I go home, or to meet up with Jeremy, I just really don't want to come back. I'm not sure why. I have great friends, and I enjoy living on my own, but my desire to come back fades everytime I'm am getting ready to leave home. I don't really remember having this problem last semester. Maybe it's just because I'm so overloaded on homework and studying...I don't know. I still love psychology and ETBU, but for some reason I'm having a hard time wanting to stay in school. Hopefully, this will pass.

Thanks for reading about my ups and downs of life.

02 October, 2006

: (

Inevitably, 2 days after I paint my nails, it starts to chip off. This makes me sad...