If only I could give you a digital hug
I wish I could write something encouraging today. I wish I could tell anyone who reads this blog something that would reach out, beyond the words on the screen that warms them to the innermost part of their being. I guess I can tell you that you aren't who you are going to be yet.
We are in a constant state of growing, and that is exciting to me that I won't be where I am forever! I have the potential to grow more and more as a person everyday, and my failures don't define me.
That is something that God has taught me - you are not defined by one moment in time. That your one, two, or maybe even a year's worth of mess-ups don't define you. You are not who you are because of your mistakes. There is more to life. You have more in this life than past regrets, or trying to live up to standards or expectations. Allow yourself to think beyond your past, or beyond what others expect for your life. You do have a purpose to breathe in and out. You have a reason to live. YOU have a reason to live.
Hey Girl! Thanks for this post....I read it at just te right time!!
You should post more often. I like reading your stuff!
love ya
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