18 July, 2006

I need to vent...

OK, so I did some My Space surfing of my own (see Jason's blog entry called "rant") and I have to say that I feel the same way about a specific friend of mine. AND to be honest, I don't feel like showing them grace and love right now. I feel like just ignoring them and wishing almost vengence on them which is TOTALLY not the kind of person that I am. I've never been quite this...well, I guess I feel betrayed by this person. Not that they did anything to me PERSONALLY, at least not that I know of, but I feel betrayed in thinking that the friendship is fake, and was not based on who I was as a person, but on what they could get out of me. If I think of the friendship as just one counseling session after another, then I wouldn't be upset. BUT, when I see the friendship as just that, a FRIENDSHIP, I feel like crap. I feel like I don't want to be used anymore. I feel like NOT showing grace, not showing love, even though I KNOW that God has freely given this to us, when we DEFINANTLY don't deserve it. I want to desire to show love and grace to this person. But then why do I feel so...hurt?


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