04 October, 2005

A great day...

Hey all!
Today was a great day. My classes went really well (though I almost fell asleep in American lit watching a documentary about Edgar Allen Poe) and also, I started taking piano again this semester after taking a 2 year break in high school, and so far I'm picking everything back up pretty quickly! It's really encouraging to see your hard work pay off. Then, when I got back home from my REALLY long day at school, I got to take a NAP!!! (I feel like I'm in kindergarten or something, because like I'm always wanting to take a nap.) When I woke up, I did some homework and watched Gilmore girls with my mom (tonight's episode was kind of slow) and then went to Livewell and ran on the tredmill. For those of you who don't know me very well, let me tell you a secret...I do NOT like to run at all. I don't mind if I'm running for a sport like basketball, but to just go and 'run' is SOOO not fun for me. But, tonight, I totally had a GREAT time! It was really weird. It was like I was able to run off all of my stress from the past few days, and just kind of clear my mind (well, while listening to a sermon on my mp3 player). It was really weird that I actually enjoyed the 2omin run, so maybe I'll give it another try sometime soon. And, just now, I really some really cool blogs and some really kind comments that y'all wrote me, and that totally made me feel great. I am so thankful that God blessed me with such awesome friends that encourage one another and pray for each other and that truly LOVE God, and seek after HIM and don't just settle for trying to have a 'covenient Christianity'

(PS- this is a shout out to Jenn Conn for being such a sweet person and calling me today, and also to Danielle for opeining up her dormroom to let me to come and hang with her at ETBU in a few weekends..I'm SOOO excited chica!!!! I love you both!!!)


At 10/05/2005 8:23 AM , Blogger Danielle said...

We can't wait for you to be here Brit. I think Lori might be here too. So, we'll have to go to Longview to eat and hang out. Also, I heard something about Billy Foote being here for Homecoming. I can't wait to see you, but I think I will be home around the 17th...so I will get to see you 2 weekends in a row!


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